Chapter 2: What My Soul Does When I Am Asleep by Stephen Simpson
Pulling my hairbrush through my long, curly, mousy brown
hair, I reply, “We can wear casual clothes today.”
Isaac chirps from behind me, “You never wear dresses.”
I roll my eyes as I turn back to him and he stops a step before knocking into me. “Why are you all making such a big deal about me wearing it? Honestly! Give me a break. All I ever hear is complaints, even when I think I am doing something right.”
Isaac sidesteps me and follows my mum out of the front door
toward her red Honda, standing in the driveway.
I hurry out the door behind him, but he starts running to
the car.
I am sitting in the front!”
come, first served,” he says as he pulls open the front passenger door.
Mother! Mum tell Isaac to sit in the back. I am the oldest and I cannot believe
we have to have this fight every single day.”
My mum looks across the roof of the car at me. “Neither can
The car door next to me slams shut, and I look down at Isaac’s
pleased face through the window.
on, Mum!”
in, Gaby. There is no time to argue about a silly thing like who sits where.”
For a moment, I want to storm back into the house, but I take
the two steps to the back door of the car and get in. I slump down into the seat
and glare out of the window.
My mum gets in and, after she starts the car, she reverses out
of the driveway.
The school I attend is not too far away from where I live,
but it is too far to walk, and I would rather sit in the back seat every day than
get the bus to school.
drop me on the corner.”
be silly, Gaby. I am dropping you off in front of the school. There are two
apartment blocks between the school and the corner. It’s not safe.”
actually take pleasure in embarrassing me, don’t you?” I sulk.
I can hear the exasperation in her voice. “How am I
embarrassing you now?”
do you think it looks when I get out of the back seat every day while my brat
brother sits in the front seat?”
Okay, she is starting to lose her temper, which means I have to back off. She
pulls into the parking area in front of the school, and I lean toward her
between the two front seats.
I peck her on the cheek because I know this placates her.
“Bye, Mum. See you later.”
hope you get home in a better mood.”
I open the back door and as I slide my bag across the seat,
I insist, “It’s that dream I had--it was very weird.”
She turns in her seat to look at me and I have to hunch into
the car so that she can still see my face. “What do you mean weird?”
I should have used the word weird sooner, instead of coming out
with it straight away and saying I believe my soul leaves my body at night. “I
will tell you all about it tonight. I have to go.”
Stepping away from the car, I close the door and swing my bag
across my shoulder. The strappy sandals I am wearing click on the ground, and I
feel too pretty today to depress myself with the idea that by the time tonight
arrives, she would have forgotten about my dream. Me too, probably.
The day drags by the same as always, and when the last bell
rings I walk out to the sidewalk in front of the school. Without a choice, I
get into the backseat of my mum’s car again.
We stop at the shops first, but I stay in the car and wait
for my mum and Isaac. I did not feel like walking down the aisles and buying
the same things we buy every day.
I want to get home, because instead of trying to get my mum
to help me figure out what is going on with my soul, I have decided to go
online and to search for my answers there.
An hour later, we stop in front of our house and I rush up
the stairs to my room, saying, “Maybe later,” when my mum asks me if I want something
to eat.
In my room, I push all the papers on top of my keyboard
aside as I sit down on the small metal chair in front of my desktop. I log on and
open Google.
I type in a few search words and then I click on the first link
that appears. After a quick glance, I click the back arrow and open the following
A few links later, I find a forum. I register as Confused_Soul
and then I ask the question: Do souls leave your body at night?
Almost immediately, there is a reply.
DarkHorse: They do. It is called an OBE.
Confused_Soul: OBE?
DarkHorse: An Out of Body Experience.
Confused_Soul: What does that mean?
DarkHorse: It is an experience which typically involves a sensation of floating outside of your body and sometimes you can also see your body from outside of your body. Sometimes it is also called astral projection, soul travel, or spirit walking.
At last it seems as if I am going to get some answers to my questions, and I am happy DarkHorse is online just when I decide to do my search. My soul is definitely doing a lot of walking.
Confused_Soul: Does it happen to everybody?
DarkHorse: One in ten people has an Out of Body Experience once, or more regularly. Why are you so interested in this? Did you have an Out of Body Experience?
Confused_Soul: My soul leaves my body every night.
DarkHorse: Did you have a hard knock on your head?
Confused_Soul: No.
DarkHorse: A near-death experience?
Confused_Soul: No.
DarkHorse: This is personal. Are you on drugs?
I scoff at the screen.
Confused_Soul: No!!!
DarkHorse: Prescription drugs?
Confused_Soul: No.
DarkHorse: Does it happen while you are sleeping?
Confused_Soul: Obviously.
DarkHorse: People who experience Out of Body Experiences sometimes report lucid dreams.
Confused_Soul: Yes?
DarkHorse: Are you having clear and logical dreams.
Confused_Soul: I do; they are very real.
DarkHorse: Tell me about your dreams.
I did not think it would be appropriate to share a thing as personal as a dream with someone I did not know, so I hesitate. Then I decide to tell him the bare minimum.
Confused_Soul: There is this recurring dream I am having.
DarkHorse: Tell me.
He seems excited and I have a desperate need to share this experience. He appears to know about strange dreams and souls leaving, and I am not divulging any personal information, so I decide to tell him.
Confused_Soul: I am walking down this road towards a little house in a small town. Sometimes I get to the house from the side and other times I get to the house from the front. The house is on a corner and it is always the same house. The house feels familiar, but I never go inside. I just stand there looking at it, but I get the feeling I used to be happy there.
My fingers pause above my keyboard for a split of a second as I wonder if I should tell DarkHorse about another dream I keep having, a dream that frightens me.
Confused_Soul: There is another house I started dreaming about a few nights ago. This one is scary though, and even though it frightens me, I always go into this one. When I am in this house, it is always as if I am looking for something. Everything about the house is always the same, the same décor, the same neglected and empty rooms. Sometimes I dream I am looking for something, but other times something is chasing me, and I wake up in a sweat.
DarkHorse: You seem stressed about this, and you shouldn’t be. Did you know Thomas Edison used Out of Body Experiences while he was working on his inventions? He would rest a silver dollar on his head while sitting with a metal bucket on his lap. As he drifted off, the coin would noisily fall into the bucket, restoring some of his awareness. He purposefully wobbled between awake and asleep states to cause spontaneous trance episodes. By moving deeper and deeper into relaxation, he eventually encountered a feeling of slipping out of his body while his mind was still alert.
I notice he did not say anything about my dreams.
Confused_Soul: I do not feel the slipping feeling, but I believe I do feel when my soul re-enters my body again just before I wake up.
DarkHorse: How do you know when your soul returns?
Confused_Soul: I always wake up with a jerk.
DarkHorse: Can you change the outcome of your dreams?
Confused_Soul: What do you mean?
DarkHorse: For example, if you are dreaming something unpleasant, can you change your dream?
I consider this for a moment.
Confused_Soul: Sometimes. Not always though.
DarkHorse: When you sleep, is it as if you are paralysed?
I laugh at the screen.
Confused_Soul: Yes. I sleep like the dead, as they say.
DarkHorse: This means your body is on autopilot while your attention is elsewhere. Your soul always remains connected to your consciousness even though it leaves your body. I think you are experiencing the free movement stage of Out of Body Experiences. This is where your soul leaves your body and goes a great distance while still maintaining contact with your consciousness. That is why you sleep like the dead, why your body is in a paralysed state while you are sleeping.
Confused_Soul: Is this the reason why I always wake up with a jolt? My body ventures too far away?
DarkHorse: I believe it could be the reason. Your soul might need to return in a hurry when your consciousness starts getting aware of other things around you, like the movement in your house or the light outside changing. This could result in an extremely fast snap-back of your soul into your body.
“Gaby,” I hear my mum’s voice calling me and I look up from the screen. I did not realize it is almost dark outside. My room is gloomy and shadowy, with only the light from the screen providing any light.
I call back, “Yes, Mum?”
it’s dinner time.”
I let my fingers fly across the keyboard.
Confused_Soul: Please don’t go away. I will be back in twenty minutes. Please! I need answers and so far, you have been a great help.
I stay logged into the forum and, as I rush out of the room, I flick on the light switch.
run down the stairs, Gaby,” my mum complains from the kitchen.
When I walk into the kitchen, the table is already set, and
my dad and Isaac sit at the table. My mum puts a dish with rice and another
dish with chicken curry in the centre of the table.
As I sit down, I say, “Hi, Dad.”
have you been up to, working so hard on your computer?”
some research for this project I'm interested in.” I consider telling them all
about it, but my mum keeps scoffing whenever I tell her about my soul leaving
my body, and my dad will never believe me either.
We start eating and it is mostly my mum and dad talking to
each other. As always, I hardly listen to what they have to say.
When we finish eating, I wash the dishes as fast as I can
and make a beeline for my room.
My parents and Isaac are in the lounge and as I hurry past
the door, my mum asks, “Aren’t you going to watch Supernatural with us? We
always watch it together.”
tonight, Mum. I want to finish this quickly.” I add, “I have to hand it in tomorrow.”
As I walk up the stairs, I hear my dad say, “At least she's
interested in something which can hold her attention for longer than a couple
of minutes.”
My mum mumbles, “I suppose so.”
In my room, I slide into the chair in front of my computer
again after drawing the blinds in front of my window.
I look at the screen.
DarkHorse: There are four stages, but the first two stages become non-existent as a person becomes more familiar with Out of Body Experiences. Have you had any training?
Confused_Soul: Are you still there? Please say you are.
For an agonizing ten minutes, I stare at the computer screen in front of me and then I sigh with relief when I see the words: DarkHorse Typing.
DarkHorse: So? Did you have training?
Confused_Soul: Training for Out of Body Experience? No, never. This is just happening.
DarkHorse: I am jealous! Your mind can make a mental shift, almost like changing a radio station. Once you fall asleep, you naturally have a different focus level of attention.
I laugh softly, feeling impressed with myself. My dad just said I have a low attention span, and now this stranger tells me I have an exceptional ability to concentrate and focus.
Confused_Soul: The reason why I am so tensed up about this today is because last night I dreamt I was at this party, which in itself is pretty weird, because my parents won’t allow me to go to parties—just yet. I was dancing closely with this boy, and then suddenly he just leaned forward and slumped onto me. He became a dead weight I had to support. So, I was wondering. Are there others like me? Did his soul have to go back to his body and is it possibly the reason why it was as if he wasn’t there anymore? It was just a shell of who he was in my dream?
He does not reply for what seems like forever. Did I freak him out with my eerie dream?
DarkHorse: We are conducting studies about this specific area of sleeping and dreaming here at the Dreamcatcher Sleep Institute. I just consulted with my colleagues and we will be interested in speaking with you face to face.
He gives me the address and I recognize it as downtown. Imagine the odds of finding somebody right on my doorstep. It seems a bit fishy.
Opening another tab on my browser, I type Dreamcatcher Sleep
Institute in the search area, and I press the enter key. There are pages and
pages of links and I open the first one. As I scan the information, he seems
legitimate, but there is absolutely no harm in making sure.
DarkHorse: Let your parents phone me in the morning.
He gives me his telephone number.
Confused_Soul: Okay, I’ll ask my mum to phone you tomorrow. Will you be able to fix me though?
DarkHorse: You don’t need fixing. This is phenomenal and I am extremely excited to meet with you. I need to go now, but please let your mother phone me first thing in the morning.
Confused_Soul: Okay, I’ll ask her.
I know my mum will never phone, but maybe if I showed her this conversation, she might believe me.
DarkHorse: We hope to meet you and your parents soon.
Confused_Soul: Thank you, DarkHorse, for taking the time to speak with me.
I sigh as I log out of the forum and push myself away from the desk.
After a long, hot bubble bath, I snuggle into bed. Turning
onto my back, I close my eyes and wonder how I am going to convince my mum to take
me to the Dreamcatcher Sleep Institute.
I feel myself drift off to sleep.
Then I am walking along a road in a little town where I have
been many times before and, as I stop in front of a house, I get a feeling of
déjà-vu. I have seen this house before, but I cannot remember where. The house
sits on the corner of the street and it does not have a front garden, but wide
steps lead from the sidewalk up to the front door. The windows are open and a
breeze dances with the lace curtains. I stand there looking at the house for
the longest time.
As I walk away, everything gets brighter and the colours
become vivid. The grass is bottle green under my feet, butterflies flutter
around me. It is a wide open expanse of green. The sky is powder blue with a
few wisps of feathery clouds on the horizon. In the middle of the green vastness,
there is a tree. I walk toward the tree and, as I get closer to it, I recognize
it as a lemon tree. I smell the sharp fragrant citrus smell of bright yellow
From the other side of the tree, I see a dark shape moving toward me. I smile happily because I recognize him. I am well familiar with his long, confident stride, his auburn brown hair, his well-built appearance, and his warm smile as he looks at me.
I have been waiting to see him all day.
All work created and posted on this blog is the intellectual property of Stephen Simpson.
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