Murder Gone Viral by Stephen Simpson

Prepare to enter the dark underbelly of the internet in Murder Gone Viral, a chilling young adult horror story. Richard, a young and ambitious student, craves internet fame and is willing to sacrifice everything to achieve it.

Driven by his desire for recognition, Richard enlists the help of his resourceful roommate, Gareth. Together, they embark on a twisted journey to create videos that will captivate millions of viewers. But Gareth has a sinister plan—an online reality game that defies conventional rules and thrives on the darkest corners of human nature.

As Richard delves deeper into this twisted game, he soon realizes that the consequences of his quest for fame are far more terrifying than he ever anticipated. With each step, the line between reality and fiction blurs, and the game becomes a macabre dance of life and death. Is Gareth the ally he claims to be, or does he harbor a malevolent agenda that will push Richard to the brink of his own sanity?

Murder Gone Viral explores the dangerous allure of internet notoriety and the lengths one is willing to go for a taste of fame. As the game escalates, the rules become blurred, and Richard finds himself trapped in a nightmare where his every move is scrutinized by a ravenous online audience. Will he be able to escape the clutches of this virtual horror, or will he become its next victim?

For fans of heart-pounding suspense and psychological thrills, Murder Gone Viral delivers a gripping narrative that will keep you glued to the page.

12 Chapters in total

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Copyright © Stephen Simpson. All Rights Reserved. 
All work created and posted on this blog is the intellectual property of Stephen Simpson.
