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Chapter 15: Chain Letter by Stephen Simpson

They switch back to the story and read that historical artefacts indicate she was the High Priestess of the tribe who used to habitat the heritage site. This High Priestess believed sacrificing lives kept her young, drinking their warm blood as it pulsed from their hearts. She was regarded as the evilest of evil.

Adèle says out of the blue, “We are going to have to go to this heritage site, because I can see now that finding out where this email came from originally is not going to do us any good. Besides, nobody has replied to our mail yet.”

Lisa replies, terror making her voice tremble, “E’lisa deleted that mail, so we cannot sit around and wait for something to happen. We must go out there and research it. Maybe this woman's soul is just lost and all we have to do is find her bones to set her free.”

Adèle looks at Lisa disbelieving. “You believe all of this, about ghosts and evil-spirits. I am leaning more towards the idea of the digital transmission, but the one idea seems as far-fetched as the other.”

It has been a dreadful, long twenty-four hours. Lisa raises her voice slightly, when she replies, “Adèle, my daughter received one of these mails and she deleted it! People are dying all around you and you did this because you forwarded this mail. Do you know I only receive these mails from you, that you feed the evil that keeps these mails going?”

Adèle gasps insulted. “You need to calm down, Lisa. I thought the emails were harmless, a bit of fun, something interesting to read in between work documents. Have you ever had good luck after forwarding them – no. Has anything bad ever happened to you – no? It is not my fault it feeds off the fears and hopes of people, making them forward it.”

Lisa cannot believe Adèle is justifying her actions. She feels as if she could slap her, but then again, how was Adèle to know that forwarding this mail would in fact deliver what it promised.

“I am sorry; I am scared and exhausted. We have to work together on this,” Lisa says, apologetically.

“Let's get E’lisa and go to the Blue Ridge Mountain Heritage Site. It is about a two hours’ drive from here and if we leave now, we will get there with enough daylight to do some searching. We could walk around and maybe we will find out more once we are actually there.”

They go to the lounge.

Peter informs them the latest news reports said it looks as if the cause for the heart attacks killing hundreds of people during the last twenty-four hours was extreme shock and fear. The pathologists ruled out the possibility of coronary disease and heart failure in eighty-nine percent of the deceased.

With their minds made up, Lisa and Adèle are in a hurry to leave.

“E’lisa,” Lisa calls through the house. She looks at Peter worriedly.

“She is still outside with Paul and the dogs.”

“We have to go,” Lisa tells him.

“Why? Where are we going?”

“No, not us. E’lisa, Adèle and me.”

“Where are you going?”

“To the Blue Ridge Mountain Heritage Site.”


“Well, did you hear Adèle earlier today, explaining to Stephen about the email she had forwarded starting all of this.”

“Might have started all of this,” Adèle says flippantly. “Consider this, I received it from somewhere.”

“Yes, Adèle, but you involved my family.” Lisa looks at her, knowing she should remain calm, but she cannot stand it that Adèle is trying to vindicate herself from taking responsibility for her actions.

Adèle walks away and Stephen follows her.

“That woman will drive me insane,” Lisa hisses through her teeth. “And as I was trying to tell you, Adèle forwarded this email to my mom and E’lisa also received it from somewhere. People who delete this email are dying from heart attacks.”

Peter looks at Lisa amused, a frown between his eyes. “I know how it sounds, Peter, but humour me. We have to go to this heritage site, because E’lisa deleted it and I am afraid something could happen to her at any moment.”

“Okay, if you feel you have to, if it will put your mind at ease. However, remember why we are here. Stephen is finding it hard to come to terms with it, especially because he found your mom.”

Lisa does feel sorry for Stephen, but first she must save E’lisa.


Stephen always leaves home early on a Tuesday morning, so that he can go past his mom's house. They have coffee together, sometimes she makes him waffles and then they just talk and catch up.

He remembers how it used to be, when the weeks rushed by so fast that by the time he looked up, it had been months since the last time he saw his mom. At first, he felt that he was inconveniencing himself by coming by every Tuesday, but now that he has been doing it for a while and it has become routine, he enjoys their weekly, early morning talks.

He can discuss things with her that at times he feels he cannot chat about with Adèle.

Stephen and Adèle have been married for a while now and although Stephen wants to start expanding on their little family, Adèle is reluctant. She is always saying there is something else she wants to accomplish, to create security and stability in their lives.

Copyright © Stephen Simpson. All Rights Reserved. 
All work created and posted on this blog is the intellectual property of Stephen Simpson.
